Let’s have a little fun this week! ❤️
over 4 years ago, Lynsey Pardue
Virtual Spirit Week
All kinder and 1st grade students will need to pick up packets tomorrow, Monday April 6th, from 7am-9am in front of the school. Parents, please drive north through the old bus lane and stay in your vehicle. Personnel passing out packets are paying attention and see you. If it takes a minute, we are grabbing your work. After it’s safe, someone from the vehicle can get out and pick up the packets. Thank you again for your patience through this process.
over 4 years ago, Lynsey Pardue
Before social distancing, each person with #COVID19 spread the virus to 2.5 more people. At that pace, most would get it, and many more people would die. But we can slow the spread. That’s why we all #StayHome. #ApartTogether we slow coronavirus.
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
TEA Notice
Antes del distanciamiento social, cada persona con #COVID19 transmitió el virus a 2.5 personas.A ese ritmo, muchas personas se contagiarían, y muchas personas morirían.Pero podemos retrasar la propagación.Por eso todos quedemonos en casa y paremos el Coronavirus.#ApartTogether
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
TEA Notice
Puede propagar #COVID19 sin saber que lo tiene.Ya sea que tenga síntomas o no, quedate en casa.Si tiene que salir, use una bandana/bufanda, lávese las manos regularmente y manténgase a 6 pies de distancia.Debemos permanecer separados #ApartTogether.tea.texas.gov/mantentebientejas
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
TEA Notice
You can spread #COVID19 without knowing you have it. Whether you have symptoms or not, #StayHome. If you have to go out, wear a mask/bandana/scarf, regularly wash your hands, and stay 6 feet apart. We must stay #ApartTogether to slow coronavirus. https://tea.texas.gov/staywell
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
TEA Notice
¿Sabía que lavarse las manos con agua y jabón elimina las moléculas de #Coronavirus evitando que el virus lo infecte a usted y a otros? Lo mismo es cierto cuando desinfecta superficies. La ciencia dice que funciona. https://bit.ly/2w7TGAJ # COVID19 #txed #StayWellTexas
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
TEA Notice
Did you know that washing your hands with soap & water eliminates #Coronavirus molecules preventing the virus from infecting you & others? The same is true when you disinfect surfaces. Science says it works. https://bit.ly/2w7TGAJ #COVID19 #txed #StayWellTexas
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
TEA Notice
Practica el distanciamiento social Para prevenir la propagación de COVID-19 en nuestra comunidad, practique el distanciamiento social: • Evite salir en público • Cuando esté en público, mantenga una distancia de seis pies entre usted y los demás. • Seguir las recomendaciones de los funcionarios locales y estatales. Obtenga más información en https://texas.gov/covid19 #covid19 #texasfuerte #quedateencasa
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
TEA Notice
Practice Social Distancing To avoid the spread of COVID-19 in our community, • Avoid going out in public • When in public, keep six feet of distance between you and others • Follow local and state guidance provided. Get more information at https://texas.gov/covid19
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
TEA Notice
La comunidad del Grady debe trabajar en equipo para luchar contra COVID-19. Visite la página Https://tea.texas.gov/mantentebien para obtener información vital sobre como detener el contagio. Si nos mantenemos separados ahora, estaremos juntos más pronto.
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
TEA Notice
The Grady community must work together to fight COVID-19. Head to http://tea.texas.gov/staywell for vitally important public health guidance to stop the spread. If we stand apart as a community now, we will be together again soon.
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
TEA Notice
Gov. Abbott has extended school closures in Texas until May 4 due to COVID-19. GISD will continue the current procedures regarding distance learning and meals. We will modify procedures and plans when necessary or mandated by local, state, and federal agencies.
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
We are still planning on delivering popcorn that was ordered through the AR fundraiser, but it will be delayed until further notice.
over 4 years ago, Sheree
Parents with students in grades K-5 may pick up their students packets on Monday March 29 at two different times. Either 7:00am-9:00 am or 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Pickup will be in the old bus lane in front of the school. We ask that everyone remain in your car. When you get to the table in front of the front entrance you will be waited on and instructions given at that time. I encourage each of you communicate with your child’s teacher through email if you have any questions. We appreciate hour patience and flexibility
over 4 years ago, Gary Jones
Students interested in receiving free breakfast and lunch from the school during this mandated closure can find more information on our website or by clicking the following link: https://www.gradyisd.org/article/219377?org=grady-isd
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
Grady Jr/Sr prom has been postponed until further notice.
over 4 years ago, Grady ISD
Our Pre-K and Kindergarten registration that was scheduled for April 6th will be postponed until further notice.
over 4 years ago, Sheree
Grady parents. Thank you for your support, patience and flexibility during these new uncharted times. Somebody from the school will be attempting to contact each family sometime tomorrow. The purpose of this call will be to survey technology accessibility of each home and to communicate how each grade level might receive instruction at home. If we fail to reach you Monday please call the school on Tuesday
over 4 years ago, Gary Jones
Here is a link to the press release from UIL bit.ly/2wQRduz We will keep you updated if there are any further announcements.
over 4 years ago, Sheree