Channing Borgstedt had a great week at the San Antonio Heifer show. She exhibited the Reserve Champion ARB!
about 24 hours ago, Grady ISD
heifer show
More hard work, more jobs well done by our livestock exhibitors!! Kailynn Peugh won Reserve York!!! Adalynn Peugh had a 5th place Hamp. Cal McMorries was in the top fifteen of his class and Brooklen Rivas did a great job getting her pigs shown!!
1 day ago, Grady ISD
pig show
Don't forget the Scholastic Book Fair will be here next week!! They will have extended hours on Thursday.
3 days ago, Grady ISD
book fair
Audrey Marler finished 5th place at the Andrews Girls Golf Classic that was held February 7th and 8th @ Andrews. Audrey shot a 75 on day one and shot a 81 on day two. Audrey finished in the top ten to make the Andrews All Tournament Team. Aislynne Mendoza shot a 108 day one and a 111 on day two. Aislynne finished 70th.
3 days ago, Staci Umsted
Just a reminder all playoff tickets must be purchased online for tonight's game against Meadow
3 days ago, Grady ISD
Congratulations to Lorelei Wagner!! She grabbed another high placing ribbon with her goat her family bred and raised at the San Angelo Stock show earlier this month. Great Work!!
3 days ago, Grady ISD
goat show
Congratulations to Lorelei Wagner and her 8th place at the San Antonio Livestock show! Our FFA and 4-H exhibitors are doing great work this season!
3 days ago, Grady ISD
goat show
Senior Monty Eskew is on a roll this season!! Congratulations!!!
5 days ago, Grady ISD
San Angelo
Congratulations to Brooklyn Teeters! She exhibited her gilt at the Texas Elite Showcase this weekend.
5 days ago, Grady ISD
pig show
Another ribbon from the first major of the year. Congratulations to Cal McMorries!
6 days ago, Grady ISD
Congratulations to Kailynn Peugh!! She finished 2nd in the Heavyweight class of crosses at Fort Worth.
7 days ago, Grady ISD
Here's the link to purchase tickets for the Lady Cats Bi-District game. All tickets must be purchased online
7 days ago, Grady ISD
Lady Cats will play Monday @ 6:30. Tickets must be purchased online. When we receive the link, we will share it.
7 days ago, Grady ISD
Adalynn Peugh wrapped up the Day 1 at Fort Worth with Reserve Hamp!! Great work!! Good luck on Day 2 to our other exhibitors!
8 days ago, Grady ISD
First Texas Major. First Class. FIRST PLACE!!! Great Start, Braylan!! Congratulations
8 days ago, Grady ISD
Here are this week's activities!
10 days ago, Staci Umsted
Week of 2/3
Lady Cat Basketball Playoff shirts are available. Orders close on Tuesday, February 4th!
11 days ago, Lynsey Pardue
Annual Title 1 Meeting
13 days ago, Lynsey Pardue
Title 1 Meeting
It's time to start thinking about High School One Act Play!! If you would like a shirt to support the High School cast and crew, order one here!!
14 days ago, Grady ISD
Tuesday night we will have Senior Recognition before the Varsity Girls game for all senior basketball players. Come out and support our Cats at the last home game of the season!
15 days ago, Grady ISD