"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted" Matthew 5:4
about 2 months ago, Samantha Lewis
Please keep Buena Vista in your thoughts and prayers
about 2 months ago, Grady ISD
beuna vista
Congratulations to the Wildcat Football team! Several received All District honors!! Great work! We are proud of you!!
about 2 months ago, Grady ISD
Here are the newly adopted guidelines for spectators at any Grady ISD (home or away) event!
about 2 months ago, Lynsey Pardue
StuCo is once again assisting High Sky Ranch in Midland collect presents for the youth they serve. Please remember to send unwrapped gifts.
about 2 months ago, Grady ISD
angel tree
Congratulations to our JH OAP company on their Silver Medal finish. Maddie Burns and EnnaKay Snider were named to the All Star Cast; Daniel Woodward and Raylee O'Donnell to the Honorable Mention Cast and Britton Purdue to the All Star Tech Crew.
about 2 months ago, Grady ISD
Here is a calendar of this week's activities. Enjoy the break next week & have a happy Thanksgiving!
about 2 months ago, Staci Umsted
Week of 11/18
Here are some important upcoming events. More information will be sent home, but just a few dates to mark on your calendars!
about 2 months ago, Lynsey Pardue
Upcoming Dates
We have added a JH Boys B Game for Monday 11/18. They will play at Klondike at 4:30 pm.
about 2 months ago, Lynsey Pardue
Corrected info for basketball games this week
2 months ago, Staci Umsted
Mark your calendars!
2 months ago, Lynsey Pardue
Christmas program
JH OAP Contest is next week!
2 months ago, Staci Umsted
Please join us Monday for our annual Veterans Day program in the Wildcat.
2 months ago, Grady ISD
Veterans Day
We will be sending out a link through Thrillshare to help us get a headcount! Thank you! Hope you can join us!
2 months ago, Lynsey Pardue
Thanksgiving Meal
FCA tomorrow night!
2 months ago, Staci Umsted
Congratulations to the Wildcat Golfers! Several students competed in the Andrews Fall Invitationals. In the Girls division, Audrey Marler was named the Champion with a 74 and a 80 for a two day total of 154. Also attending was Alyssa Oviedo, Camden Wiebe, and Colton Collier.
2 months ago, Grady ISD
Congratulations to the Wildcat Debate team!!! Buck Woodward is the Regional Champion and K'Lynn Garcia finished second. Both will be attending State in January.
2 months ago, Grady ISD
Here is a glance at this week's activities.
2 months ago, Staci Umsted
Week of 11/4
These are our current testing dates. Please know that changes will be communicated as quickly as possible. Thank you!
2 months ago, Lynsey Pardue
Testing Dates
We have had a couple of added games for Thursday, 11/7. JH B Football vs Garden City 5:00 pm JH A Football vs Garden City 6:00 pm JV Football vs O'Donnell 7:15 pm
2 months ago, Lynsey Pardue