"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted" Matthew 5:4
Please keep Buena Vista in your thoughts and prayers
Congratulations to the Wildcat Football team! Several received All District honors!! Great work! We are proud of you!!
Here are the newly adopted guidelines for spectators at any Grady ISD (home or away) event!
StuCo is once again assisting High Sky Ranch in Midland collect presents for the youth they serve. Please remember to send unwrapped gifts.
Congratulations to our JH OAP company on their Silver Medal finish. Maddie Burns and EnnaKay Snider were named to the All Star Cast; Daniel Woodward and Raylee O'Donnell to the Honorable Mention Cast and Britton Purdue to the All Star Tech Crew.
Here is a calendar of this week's activities. Enjoy the break next week & have a happy Thanksgiving!
Here are some important upcoming events. More information will be sent home, but just a few dates to mark on your calendars!
We have added a JH Boys B Game for Monday 11/18. They will play at Klondike at 4:30 pm.
Corrected info for basketball games this week
Mark your calendars!
JH OAP Contest is next week!
Please join us Monday for our annual Veterans Day program in the Wildcat.
We will be sending out a link through Thrillshare to help us get a headcount! Thank you! Hope you can join us!
FCA tomorrow night!
Congratulations to the Wildcat Golfers! Several students competed in the Andrews Fall Invitationals. In the Girls division, Audrey Marler was named the Champion with a 74 and a 80 for a two day total of 154. Also attending was Alyssa Oviedo, Camden Wiebe, and Colton Collier.
Congratulations to the Wildcat Debate team!!! Buck Woodward is the Regional Champion and K'Lynn Garcia finished second. Both will be attending State in January.
Here is a glance at this week's activities.
These are our current testing dates. Please know that changes will be communicated as quickly as possible. Thank you!
We have had a couple of added games for Thursday, 11/7.
JH B Football vs Garden City 5:00 pm
JH A Football vs Garden City 6:00 pm
JV Football vs O'Donnell 7:15 pm