The Grady Education Foundation is at it again. Wendy Glaze has many hats to wear at Grady ISD, but one of them is yearbook sponsor. Board Members awarded a grant for a new camera and software to help the class with editing and photography. Congratulations! This made for a lot of smiles today and for years to come!

Please make sure and pay your lunch charges as soon as possible. Notes went home 5/14.

Please stop by and help us show Mrs. Russell and Mr. Britten how much we appreciate all that they have done for our school and community.

STUCO is selling raffle tickets for a whole beef (processing fees included). Tickets are $20. Only 175 will be sold.

The high school academic banquet will be Tuesday, May 14, 2019, at the Wildcat Gymnasium beginning at 6:00 pm. Students that will be recognized should of received their invitations with their tickets.

Come help us show some support and send off our state track, tennis and both boys and girls golf tomorrow morning at 9 a.m! #WinCatsWin

Due to the recent death of one of our students, Grady ISD will cancel classes on Friday, May 3rd. The arrangements are as follows:
Visitation/Viewing will be at Stanton Memorial Funeral Home all day tomorrow, Thursday- May 2nd.
Funeral will be at 10:00 am on Friday, May 3rd in Seminole, TX at the Mennonite Evangelical Church.
Graveside will be at 3:00 pm in Stanton, TX at the Evergreen Cemetery.

The district JH tennis tournament (Saturday, May 4th) will be in Big Spring at Comanche Trail Park instead of Borden County.

The Sports Banquet has been moved to May 22 at 6:00 PM.

Our phone lines are not working at this time. We cannot receive or place calls. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and will post an update once the issue is resolved.

Attached you will find the district and area track meet schedules for Monday April 15 and Tuesday April 16. This track meet will be held at Frenship ISD both days.

Everyone wear Red and Black tomorrow in celebration of Tech’s victory last night and trip to the championship game! #wreckem

Fight with Betty

Don’t forget: Tomorrow is picture day!

Monday-Spring Pictures
5th grade parent meeting after school or 6:00 PM in Mrs. Short's room
Tuesday-District Golf 2nd round
Thursday-District Tennis @ Seminole
Friday-High School Track Meet @ O'Donnell (schedule attached
End of 5th six weeks
Daddy Daughter Dance grades Prek-5 Old Gym 6:00-8:00 $ per Daddy Daughter and $1 for each additional daughter
Saturday-JH District Track Meet @ Klondike (Schedule Attached)
JR/SR Prom 7-11:30-Hispanic Cultural Center Midland Texas

GRADY PARENTS: reminder that picture day is MONDAY!!

Monday-HS district Golf @ Seminole
JH Track Meet @ Sands (schedule attached)
Tuesday-Bi-District OAP @ Post
Wednesday-High School District UIL @ Borden County
CNA clinicals @ Big Spring
Thursday-JH and HS Cheer Fitting 10:30 AM
TELPAS Testing
Friday-High School Track Meet @ Sands (schedule attached)

More Garage Sale Items

Garage Sale benefitting Betty Wiebe
Downtown Stanton
Hamburgers and Bake Sale, too

Tuesday-High School Golf @ Midland
Wednesday- Wear your Fight with Betty Shirts!
Thursday-High School Track @ Garden City-Schedule Attached
Friday-High School Tennis @ Sterling city
JH Track @ Garden City-Schedule Attached
Saturday- Benefit Garage Sale! 9-2pm @ Old Haislip Building, downtown Stanton. Hamburger meals will be available. All proceeds will benefit Betty Wiebe!
Sunday- One act play will perform for the public in the auditorium @ 6:00 p.m